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Create advertising campaigns with Geozo
Create advertising campaigns with Geozo
Caroline avatar
Written by Caroline
Updated over a week ago

For you we have prepared a step-by-step instruction on how to set up an advertising campaign. In this article we’ll also explain how you can manage your campaigns.

  1. On your Dashboard open the toolbar on the left and go to the “Campaigns” section, press "+" to add a new campaign.

2. Enter campaign name and select its type

product promotions - type for advertising any service or product

content promotions - type for advertising websites that contain articles

3. If you use third-party statistics, you can add UTM-tags and tracking tags in campaign settings.

UTM-tags are special parameters in URLs, they are used to track advertising campaigns and provide more detailed information on traffic flows.

Example: utm_source parameter determines traffic source website. This parameter is mandatory.

Example: utm_source=Geozo (i.e. ad click source is Google).

Tracking tags are commands which are added to your tag. When the campaign is launched tracking tags are automatically replaced by corresponding values on traffic source websites.

Available options:

  1. Add a UTM-parameter and select a tracking tag,

  2. Add another parameter and select a new tracking tag when needed.

We support the following tracking tags:

[AD_ID] passes an ad ID.

[CATEGORY_ID] -passes a website category ID.

[BLOCK_ID] -passes an ad unit ID.

[AD_GROUP_ID] - passes an ad group ID.

[CLICK_ID] - passes a unique click identifier.

[BID] passes an ad bid.

4. Then you need to choose traffic source categories: either all the categories at once or certain categories which are more relevant for your product.

5. Our next setting deals with user geography that you want to target: you can either mark all the geos or only certain regions.

6. On the next step you should set up device targetings. Here you can also either choose all the device types from the list or mark certain types of them.

7. Choose time ranges when users can see your ads:

8. Determine your campaign budget. If you select the “No limits” option, your campaign will be active as long as there are funds on your balance.

Or you can set campaign spending limits:

  • Daily spending limit;

  • Total spending limit.

Your campaign budget cannot be less than 20 $.

9. The last step is to save your campaign and its settings. In order to do so just press the “Submit” button.

Done! Your campaign has been created and appears in the “Campaigns” section.

Now go to ad groups settings for your campaign.

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